W1 - Analog Score

The analog light score I made is inspired by bouncing ball trace. It is a six by six grid of fire lit by fuel. A limited amount of fuel supplies each fire, so the luminosity reduces over time until we replenish the fuel. To efficiently communicate the location of each hole, I mark the horizontal edge with numbers one to six from left to right and the vertical edge with alphabet letters A to F from bottom to top.

The entire event starts at 1A and moves diagonally to 6F. Since both endpoints are on the corners, there is no bouncing, ending the first act. After that, the starting hole moves counterclockwise from hole 1A, so the next one is 2A. Then, moving diagonally, we land on 6E. Since it is on edge, it bounces to 5F. And 5F bounces to 4E and keeps on moving until it reaches the end of this act, which is 1B. You can have a clearer idea of how the pattern works when reading with the diagram.

In the third act, after bouncing off 6D, we will revisit 5E, which has already been lit in the first act. Anytime we visit a hole that is already on fire, we will add more fuel to increase the intensity of the fire.

As we keep following the score, we will have holes burning in different fire intensities, creating a brightness gradient in this grid.


Final - Light blinds